Northern NJ Safe Kids / Safe Communities

NJ Bike Summit

Cycling-related deaths and injuries are rising in New Jersey and cyclists from around the state are coming together to address this disturbing trend. On Saturday, 27 February 2010, the New Jersey Bicycle Coalition (NJBC), in co-operation with the New Jers

Andy Clarke, Executive Director of LAB (League of American Bicyclists), will open the Summit and the first segment of the day will highlight the relationship between the cycling community and both the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the New Jersey legislature (the latter on current and planned legislation.)

The Summit’s intent is to unify efforts of New Jersey advocacy organizations, bring the concerns of New Jersey’s cyclists to the attention of state and local authorities, as well as the general public. The result will include a set of unified short and long-term goals so we can all “Bicycle Safer in NJ.”

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KJ Feury RN APN, C
Phone: 973-971-4327 
Fax: 973-290-7350