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Statewide public education campaign designed to promote courteous driving

The New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety with the cooperation of the AAA Clubs of New Jersey, the New Jersey State Safety Council and the New Jersey Chiefs of Police Association has developed a statewide public education campaign designed to promote courteous driving.

The campaign, "Drive Friendly", offers suggested tips on how each driver can foster a safer driving environment on New Jersey's 33,000 miles of roadway.

The "Drive Friendly" tips that follow discuss behind-the-wheel actions that can make highway travel less stressful and a smoother ride for New Jersey's nearly 6 million licensed drivers.


Attitude affects your actions behind the wheel. "Drive Friendly" promotes courteous driving practices that make travel safer and saner for New Jersey's 6 million licensed drivers. By Driving Friendly, you can help tame aggressive driving and prevent road rage.


When approaching an on-ramp,move to the left lane if you can safely do so.

This opens up a space for the vehicle pulling onto the highway and makes merging easier.


"I didn't know he was going to pull in front of me."

  • Using turn signals when changing lanes helps avoid the uncertainties.
  • Using the proper lanes means a better trip for everyone. Slower traffic, keep right. Use the left lane for passing, where your fellow motorists expect faster traffic.
  • Avoid frequent lane changes.
  • Keeping proper distance gives you time to react to the unexpected.


In heavy traffic, don't enter an intersection unless you can fully cross it. Don't get caught in the middle when the light changes. When coming to a stop, keep sidestreets clear. This allows approaching traffic to make the left turn and prevents traffic from backing up behind the turning vehicle.


Don't wait until the last minute to get onto a highway exit ramp. You can be rear-ended when creeping along in the right lane as you try to cut into the line of exiting traffic.

  • Solid roadway lines mean no passing is allowed. Passing here is unsafe and dangerous.
  • Merge at the end of an on-ramp. Trying to cut in early from the middle of the on-ramp can surprise other drivers and cause an accident.
  • Don't use a highway shoulder as a travel lane or to back up to a missed ramp.
  • Buckle Up. Even with air bags, seat belts are needed to ensure your safety.
  • Secure Your Child. Child safety seats are recommended from infancy until age 8.
  • Don't Drink and Drive.

image shows two cartoon cars shaking hands, and it says drive friendly, courtesy can save lives