Nationwide, every year, nearly 2,000 children ages 14 and under are injured in residential fires, and more than 400 die. Approximately 80 percent of all fire-related deaths and injuries occur in the home.
Fire is especially dangerous to young children, ages 5 and under. They don’t recognize the danger and don’t know how to react.
Every year, dozens of children die while trying to escape from fires — yet only one out of four families say they have developed and practiced a fire escape plan.
Plan and practice several escape routes and a safe place to meet outside. Teach children never to go back into a burning building, and to call the fire department from a neighbor’s home or a cell phone outside.
Home fires are most often caused by cooking equipment — especially by unattended cooking. Keep children away from cooking and heating appliances. Never leave the kitchen while you are cooking.
The theme of Fire Prevention Week 2013, as proclaimed by the National Fire Protection Association and the President of the United States, is “Prevent Kitchen Fires.” Between 1999-2002, an average of 290 people each year were killed and 4,380 injured in fires involving cooking equipment, according to the NFP
Most fire-related fatalities are caused by smoke inhalation. A working smoke alarm cuts your chances of dying in a fire by about 50 percent. Put a smoke alarm on every level of your home and outside every sleeping area — and test them every month and change the batteries twice a year. (Smoke alarms are also available with 10-year lithium batteries.)
SAFE KIDS Also Reminds Parents
- Keep matches, candles, gasoline, lighters and all other flammable materials locked away and out of children’s reach.
- Never leave a burning candle unattended. Place candles in a safe location away from combustible materials and where children or pets cannot tip them over.
- Place space heaters at least 3 feet from curtains, papers, furniture and other flammable materials. Make sure heaters are stable, and use protective coverings.
- Ideally, get two different kinds of smoke alarms: ionization alarms to detect flames and photoelectric alarms to detect smoke from a slow-burning fire.
- Consider a home sprinkler system. The combination of smoke alarms and sprinklers can reduce your chances of dying in a fire by 82 percent.