Safety Library
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More than 126,035 children across the country, including more than 67,000 children 4 and under, were injured due to a fire or burn and treated in emergency rooms.
Use this tiplist to keep you home injury free.
The smell of cookies baking in the oven or tasty sauces simmering on the stovetop is hard to resist for adults and kids alike. Here are a few simple steps to keep your little chef safe from potential burns, whether in the kitchen, around a fireplace or in any other part of your home.
The Hard Facts
In 2013, more than 126,035 children across the country, including more than 67,000 children 4 and under, were injured due to a fire or burn and treated in emergency rooms.
With three times as many prescriptions filled in the U.S. than in 1980 and five times as many dollars spent on over-the-counter medicine, there are more medicines in the home today than ever before. In March 2016, Safe Kids Worldwide is releasing a new report titled “The Rise of Medicine in the Home: Implications for Today’s Children.” The report is a call to action for families and caregivers – sharing facts, providing insights about risk factors for accidental medicine poisoning and helping families learn what they need to do to keep their kids safe around medicine.
Today there are three times as many prescriptions filled in the U.S. as there were in 1980, and five times as many dollars spent on over-the-counter medicines. With more medicine in the home than ever before, we’re joining @Safe Kids Worldwide in encouraging parents to be vigilant about protecting their children from medicine poisoning.
Falls affect us all—whether personally or someone we love or care about. Every second of every day an older adult falls. In 2014 alone, more than one in four older adults reported falling and more than 27,000 older adults died as a result of falls—that’s 74 older adults every day. There are simple steps you can take to prevent falls and decrease falls risks. CDC has developed the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) initiative which includes educational materials and tools to improve fall prevention.
KJ Feury RN APN, C
Phone: 973-971-4327
Fax: 973-290-7350