Where Medicine is Stored vs. Where Medicine is Kept. Most families have a safe place in the home where they store medicine they don’t use every day, but they may keep often-used medicine handy and not be thinking about the safety factor. Kids are getting into medicine in purses, in nightstands, on...
Stay Active and Prepare for the Return to Sports Working out and staying in shape from home presents a new challenge for all of us during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true for many youth athletes given that team seasons have come to a halt, and local gyms and school weight rooms are...
July is the hottest month of the year and has been the worst for #heatstroke deaths. 9 kids have died this year. Help prevent another tragedy by never leaving a young child in a car, even for a moment. #CheckForBaby #HeatstrokeKills
Most parents keep medicine up in a cabinet, but are you aware of all the other places where you store medicine – a purse, counter or nightstand? Keep medicine up and away, out of reach and sight of children.