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Does Your Family Have A Home Fire  Escape Plan?

Does Your Family Have A Home Fire Escape Plan?

Falls: Prevention Works


From the moment your baby starts to crawl, the world is a magical place filled with new adventures and discoveries. From a child’s perspective, everything is a potential mountain to climb (that giant bookshelf), obstacle to overcome (those pesky stairs) or mysterious place to investigate (anywhere...
Winter Sports Safety 101

Winter Sports Safety 101

Winter Sports Safety Tips 1. Use appropriate and properly-fitted sports gear to prevent or reduce the severity of injuries. For winter sports, this gear may include shin guards, mouth guards and especially helmets when they’re skiing, snowboarding or playing ice hockey. Based upon recommendations...
In The Car - Winter Safety

In The Car - Winter Safety

Here are some important winter safety tips to help keep you and your family safe: If you need to warm a vehicle, remove it from the garage immediately after starting it to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Don’t leave a car, SUV or motorcycle engine running inside a garage. Take a few...