Northern NJ Safe Kids / Safe Communities

Safety Library

At Home

Everything you need to know to keep your kids safe while cooking

On the Road

Each Year Nearly 500 Pedestrians Ages 19 and Under Are Killed

At Play

Everything you need to know to keep your kids safe from dehydration
At Home

Falls affect us all—whether personally or someone we love or care about. Every second of every day an older adult falls. In 2014 alone, more than one in four older adults reported falling and more than 27,000 older adults died as a result of falls—that’s 74 older adults every day. There are simple steps you can take to prevent falls and decrease falls risks. CDC has developed the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) initiative which includes educational materials and tools to improve fall prevention.

At Play

Practice responsible sledding, safe environment and equipment


  • Injuries commonly occur in collisions with fixed objects (e.g. trees and fences) and other people
  • Sledding in an area that is open to vehicular traffic significantly increases the risk of severe injury.
  • The absence of adult supervision increases the risk of injury.
  • Common injuries include head trauma, fractured bones, and contusions or abrasions.
On the Road

Be Prepared and Get Useful Tips

Winter driving can hazardous and scary, especially in northern regions that get a lot of snow and ice. Additional preparations can help make a trip safer, or help motorists deal with an emergency. This sheet provides safety tips for your residents to help prevent motor vehicle injuries due to winter storms.

On the Road



Child Passenger Safety Seat Event

At Home

Ways of preventing fires

Nationwide, every year, nearly 2,000 children ages 14 and under are injured in residential fires, and more than 400 die. Approximately 80 percent of all fire-related deaths and injuries occur in the home.


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Brought to you by


KJ Feury RN APN, C
Phone: 973-971-4327 
Fax: 973-290-7350